Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Moving Eastward & Down

A couple of months ago Paul had mentioned getting out of Richmond. Great idea...but so much easier said than done. A week later, my sister, Kelly, told my Mom that her tenant living in the beach condo(Norfolk) had never paid rent. They were forced to make an agreement with her to pay or go in July. Of course Paul and I got all excited because if that did happen we would be a total shoe in to take over her lease with no credit check or deposit.

July rolled around and SHE PAID! What the hell? She never paid a dime for 6 months and then has the money?! It was just our luck I guess. We're still crossing our fingers for her to default again in August, which would end her stay at this totally awesome condo, right on the beach.

We do have plenty of options though. We just can't decide until August 5th. Paul has plenty of friends down in Norfolk/VA Beach that have extra rooms. We can always stay at one of these until we get a place of our own, so it's really no biggie. I just can't wait to move!! No matter what, we have to move by August 15th. That's when my lease is up and my furniture has to go somewhere! Also, we're going on a super fun and cheap vacation on August 16th through the 22nd...so it'd be nice to at least have my stuff down in Norfolk already, but we'll see.

Take me to the beach!!

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