Sunday, December 27, 2009
In the next 5 years
Take more road trips
Get published
Shoot nude at least once
Take Paul to The World Series of Poker
Start drawing/painting again
See my paintings in a gallery
Get out of debt
Start my business with Paul
Travel to Ireland and Scotland
Get Invisalign
Take an extreme driving course
Finish my degree
Treat my mom, sister, and myself to a day at the spa
Go to a Steelers game
Skydive/bungee jump
Go to Las Vegas
Become a neater person
Write a Children's book
Get married
Buy a house
Paint a room in my house purple :)
Successfully grow a garden
Have a kid
I'm sure I'll do a lot more...But these are the things I really want to accomplish in the next 5 years.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Beauty & Riches
Here are a couple pictures from the shoot :)

Thursday, November 19, 2009
I'm sick of the norm...

Sometimes I wish I were deaf so I could not hear the stupidity that comes from some people's lips. But if I were def I would miss out on on the beautiful sounds of this world, and the intelligent words that so few people speak. It's sad, really, to think that a person thinks it's just that funny or makes them look that much cooler. This world, or my world rather, is filled with immaturity and boring people that just make me want to slap myself. I want to slap myself just for being around them. Where are all the brilliant people that bring wonderful light to the world? Where are the curious and ambitious people like me, that just don't quite fit the norm? I want more out of life than the boring conversations that are seeming to surround me these days.
I am not one of them. I am not one of you.
But if that's all you see, then you don't see me. You can't see me.
Of course, I am not speaking of my friends here. I love my friends and I couldn't ask for better ones. This really just talks about the other people in my life right now...I'm really not sure if Norfolk/VA Beach is for me, or for Paul even.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
I live in a ghost town where the convenience store closes at 9 EVERY night or earlier.
The guys that live across from us have a huge work van and have no idea how to park. They make it impossible to park in my space in one maneuver.
The no u-turn sign right past my house is extremely inconvenient...seeing as I have to take a u-turn just to get home.
EVERY thing is 20 minutes away..Walmart, Target, the mall, the gym, work. The list goes on.
Paul's uber expensive pots and pans are the worst. Give me the cheap non stick over the pretty stainless steel any day.
The internet here SUCKS. The worst part about it is Cox Communications says, "That happens" and then charges us for every visit to try and fix the shit.
Saki, Paul's cat, is lucky I'm such an animal lover. She torments my kitty and pisses on everything. I've stopped Paul from throwing her outside 3 times now.
Walmart always has at least 3 beggars roaming the parking lot. I told the attendant and she replied, "Yeah,, Honey, they do that." What is it legal here??
Paul likes red wine and I like white. I buy him and I each a bottle of wine...which one does he drink? Mine. I'm not buying red wine any more.
On that note...I'm going to go finish that fine bottle of wine ;) I feel better now.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Those 3 Words

I got a random text from my love today. It read, "I love you." So short...yet it made my day. You see, today was a stress filled, nothing goes right day. These days are few and far between for me. I know this seems silly. After all, it's typically such an overused three words. In our case, it is not. We say these words in other ways and I like it that way. But it was nice. He's been reading my mind all day and I couldn't have needed it more on a day like today.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
It's just not the same...
Friday, October 23, 2009
When God first made the world, He looked at the bare and barren hillsides and thought how nice it would be to cover them with some kind of beautiful tree or flower. So he turned to the Giant Oak, the biggest and strongest of all of the trees he had made, and asked him if he would be willing to go up to the bare hills to help make them look more attractive. But the oak explained that he needed a good depth of soil in order to grow and that the hillsides would be far too rocky for him to take root.
So God left the oak tree and turned to the honeysuckle with its lovely yellow flower and beautiful sweet fragrance. He asked the honeysuckle if she would care to grow on the hillsides and spread her beauty and fragrance amongst the barren slopes. But the honeysuckle explained that she needed a wall or a fence or even another plant to grow against, and for that reason, it would be quite impossible for her to grow in the hills.
So God then turned to one of the sweetest and most beautiful of all the flowers - the rose. God asked the rose if she would care to grace the rugged highlands with her splendour. But the rose explained that the wind and the rain and the cold on the hills would destroy her, and so she would not be able to grow on the hills.Disappointed with the oak, the honeysuckle and the rose, God turned away. At length, he came across a small, low lying, green shrub with a flower of tiny petals -some purple and some white. It was a heather.
God asked the heather the same question that he’d asked the others. "Will you go and grow upon the hillsides to make them more beautiful?"The heather thought about the poor soil, the wind and the rain - and was not very sure that she could do a good job. But turning to God she replied that if he wanted her to do it, she would certainly give it a try.
God was very pleased.
He was so pleased in fact that he decided to give the heather some gifts as a reward for her willingness to do as he had asked. First, he gave her the strength of the oak tree - the bark of the heather is the strongest of any tree or shrub in the whole world. Next he gave her the fragrance of the honeysuckle - a fragrance which is frequently used to gently perfume soaps and potpourris. Finally he gave her the sweetness of the rose - so much so that heather is one of the bees favourite flowers. And to this day, heather is renowned especially for these three God given gifts.
And then I found one image that inspired my drawing:

Here's the finished product:

It's a little bigger than Paul's hand and designed to grow from the side of my hip bone up, wrapping up my side. Now, a year and a half later, I think I'm ready. But that word think worries me. So, I'll keep pondering it. Maybe I'll frame this drawing to see what happens...Of course I couldn't think of a better thing that defines me so perfectly, and I drew it myself. Ehhh decisions...
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Kindly Keep Your Words to Yourself, Please.
This draws the question...WHY?? Didn't your mother ever teach you? Mine did. "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all." Simple as that. Don't these people realize that they are only flattering me? By taking the time out of their lives, in attempt to bring my own down, they do not succeed. People like this are the reason why this world is less fruitful. I wish them the best, they obviously need it.
I'm not saying I've never said anything nasty, but with maturity comes the understanding that it's just not worth it. I have learned not to say nasty comments to anyone. You never know how bad of a day they may be having. I live to brighten people's day, not sour their dreams.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I don't need you to keep me afloat.
It's when you finally realize that he's not something you need...but something you want to have by your side that you know you've found the one.
You know you can float, live, even soar, without him, but you crave the presence of his being. Just being with him, in silence, is enough. It's more than enough to keep you absolutely thrilled with just being alive.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Life is Good

I've always heard that living by the water changes you...changes the way of life. I never really believed it until now. I have no idea why, but things are good! In every way, my life seems to be filled with nothing but highs. The lows that would creep in, even the total lack of drive, they're gone. It's like the soundtrack of my life has switched from Les Miserables to The Technicolor Dreamcoat. Amazing.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
True Story

Monday, October 5, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
To the End and Back least now I know I can do it. I've never gone further than 3.5 miles on a treadmill and this was on sand! All I'm saying is that if you really want to push yourself, create a mid point goal. I could have never made it if I hadn't really wanted to see the end of the beach :)
Shower time!!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Just the thing I needed...

Yesterday I had my first photo shoot in a while. The shoot was a test shoot for a small jewelry company in Richmond and was soo much fun. Miguel, the photographer, was so knowledgeable about how to model jewelry so I really learned a lot. I can't wait to shoot with the actually company!! The image above was his favorite out of everything we shot. This is straight out of the camera and I think it's just stunning :) This image doesn't really show what he taught me but we still love it!
I really needed this shoot to kick my butt back in gear. Miguel and I had been talking for months to try to set something up. Unfortunately, I found myself in a super lazy state and just couldn't commit to any shoots in September. Now I'm totally ready to start shooting again.
I have another shoot tonight in downtown Norfolk. It's a group shoot so this should be cool! Stay tuned :)
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
I want to lie in bed with him all day…
I would typically say yes, that is too much to ask. However, I already have all of these things and never realized just how lucky I really was until now. Having each and every one of these little things is a blessing in itself. My god…It’s a dream come true.

Today I was away...he called three or more times just to say hi and ask if I was coming home to him tonight. When I finally decided to come home, he proceeded to call me three more times in that short little drive home from Richmond. Each time was to see how much longer it would take me to return to our quaint little home on the beach. This is just one of the little things that makes me love him more.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
The Lucky Ones

It's amazing to me how I used to think I was happy with the other guys I've dated...I don't think I have ever smiled or laughed more than when I am with you. Those other guys were nothing compared to you. Each one of them used and abused me in such a way that practically ruined me for all relationships to come. Then you came along; I'd never seen a man and actually swooned. With you, all it took was a glance. Within a few days, you were done with her and I was done with him. The only two people that kept us from getting closer were a thing of the past. We practically signed our lives away at that moment; being nearly inseparable for the past 2 years. We've had our quarrels and time apart, but I can't say that I would have done anything differently. I was only being me. Love is a strange thing that is hardly explainable, especially when the one is your also your best friend.
I hope that you know that all those little things you do, like randomly tickling my feet or always being sure to kiss me goodbye, never go unseen. I know that I am horrible at showing love, but I do consider myself lucky. I'm the lucky girl who got you. WE are the lucky ones who got each other. I know that you feel the same way. You make it known every day. Thank you for that <3
With that being said, my Mom is visiting me today!!! I'm praying that she may be able to help me finish unpack finally. All I have left to do is fold clothes. Problem is, I hate folding and it's two ginormous boxes that are overstuffed with clothes that need to be folded. I hang all of my nicer things now, including t-shirts, since I have an abundance of hanging space. Unfortunately, there are certain things that just can't be hung. For instance, a zip up hoodie; I suppose I could hang those...they dont really fold well after all. Anywho, this is the only task that I haven't been able to motivate myself to do yet. Otherwise, my new whiteboard is working quite well!!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Help for Me; Help for You
1. Have a cause.
A life without cause is a life without effect.
2. Have a dream. A big dream.
Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I look can I see, only as much as I dream can I be.
Karen Ravn
3. Be hungry.
Wanting something is not enough. You must hunger for it. Your motivation must be absolutely compelling in order to overcome the obstacles that will invariably come your way.
Les Brown
4. Run your own race.
I do not try to dance better than anyone else. I only try to dance better than myself.
Mikhail Baryshnikov
5. Take one more step.
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
Winston Churchill
6. Let go of the past.
Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Above all others you begin with this:
People who are unable to motivate themselves must be content with mediocrity, no matter how impressive their other talents.
Andrew Carnegie
Damn..there's another one! Stop procrastinating!!!!
Once I complete the list (TONIGHT), I purchased a white board so that I can have it all written out where I will see it every morning. I'll have no choice if all of these things are staring me right in the face.
That is merely a temporary fix though. One of the items on my list is to rekindle my creative flame that used to drive me years ago. So, I'll be creating a collage of pictures and words that will be much more attractive rather than a stupid white board. ICK!
Problem solved :)
Sheer Laziness
I want to be myself again...the girl that next stopped going.
Can someone please give me a swift kick to the rear? PLEASE?!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
The small things...
Sunday, September 20, 2009
The New Me..

Our living room was the main room we have spent money on. We designed the entertainment center at Ikea...I love that store! The couch is JUST the one I wanted and is absolutely perfect for the space :D I'm planning on painting one of the walls a medium brown to match one of the pillows.
The picture to the left of the bride and groom cracks me up. Paul brought this to the cart our first grocery shopping trip . It is now one of the decorations in the foyer..with the groom running out the door. Hilarious!
This last picture is behind the scenes of a fashion show for Mecedes Fashion Week in NYC. I was lucky enough to be one of the models in the show. OMG...when I first arrived the only thing I could think of was "I do NOT belong here!" All of the models were stunning and tall to boot. Me, only being 5'6 was one of the shortest models chosen for the event. At the end of the evening, I was told by Jeremy, the guy who did my hair, that I was apparently voted the most popular and model with the best hair. I was stunned! I met TONS of amazing people and openned soo many doors...I can't wait to see what happens in the next few months!!
My trip to New York was absolutely amazing. One of my best friends, Scott, was there at the same time and we made the trip unforgettable. I arrived Saturday night and he picked me up from the airport. Immediately, the party began. The next day we walked over 300 blocks on top of riding the subway all over. We experienced more than the typical tourist could possibly dream of in one day. AMAZING! My last night in town was spent at the fashion show and the after party was a one of the most exclusive clubs in New York. Let's just say Jay-Z, Justin Timberlake, and Jessica Alba were there...Sooo much fun! My Aunt made it up to see me in the show and we ended up flying back together. Now we are looking into renting a small studio in downtown so that we have a place to stay part time. I would be beyond thrilled!!
So all this being look on life and everything else has changed in a way. I've hit an all time high and I'm going anywhere but down from here.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Layin' Low
Stay tuned for some amazingness :D
Thursday, August 27, 2009
The Happy Drunk Couple...
Saturday, August 22, 2009
The happiest place on Earth
The other night, as Paul and I were getting comfy in bed, we were talking about how the vacation was going. We were the only couple who didn't really get in a fight the whole week...I told him that I was glad to be there with him and he responded by asking, "But do you think we a happy together?" At first I thought maybe he wasn't sure if we were happy but then it became quite apparent that he was merely asking if I was happy. I told him that I couldn't be happier with how far we have come and I couldn't be more in love with him. He responded, "Good, I only wanted to know that you are happy."
This really made me think that maybe I don't show it enough and then he made it even more clear...Even though the other couples had a few arguments they are very touchy and lovey dovey. This has never been the way we do things but he was just making sure that I knew how much he loves me and that he doesn't love me any less.
Silly boy..I love him.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Life is like tango...
This quote describes me better than anything I have ever come across. A photographer told me this today in a critique forum on Model Mayhem. I feel like I have done my job with my portfolio when someone, without even knowing me, can sum me up in a quote.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Triumphs in the Kitchen
I call it Cajun Baked Tilapia :)
Ingredients you'll need:
4 Tilapia Filets
Cajun Seasoning
Lemon & Pepper Seasoning
Red pepper
Yellow Pepper
Sweet Onion
Whole Grain Rice
Veggie of your choice
Smart Balance Omega 3 Butter Spread
Preheat oven to 400 degrees
Bread 4 Tilapia filets in organic whole wheat flour
Sprinkle Lemon & Pepper and Cajun Seasonings over filets
Melt 4 tbsp of Smart Balance Omega 3 Butter spread and pour into baking dish
Place Tilapia into baking dish and heat in the oven for 10 minutes
In the meantime...
Bring 1 cup of water and 1/2 cup of whole grain rice to a boil
Cut 1/3 of a red pepper and 1/3 of a yellow into thin slices
Cut and even amount of sweet onion into thin slices
Start heating a vegetable of your choice as a side item (green beans are great!)
After the water in the rice has nearly boiled away, turn down the heat to a simmer and cover
Keep and eye on the rice and once water is completely absorbed turn off the heat and keep covered
Check the Tilapia after ten minutes
Flip each filet and sprinkle both seasonings on this side
Continue baking for 10-15 minutes
Melt 1 tbsp of Smart Balance spread in a medium skillet
Heat sliced peppers and onion on high, stirring regularly
Season lightly with lemon & pepper seasoning
Once the Tilapia is done take out of the oven
Place 2 fist fulls of fresh spinach in the skillet with the peppers
Stir for one minute and remove from heat
Now that the hard part is done...let's dress the dish!
Place a large spoonful of rice on a plate and tilapia over the rice
Peppers, onions, and spinach is piled on top of tilapia
Veggies on the side!!
Enjoy!! :)
Does this make my butt look big? GOOD!

UGH!!! Nothing fits me anymore...even my itty bitty bikini I bought earlier this summer. I've been eating healthy and working out when I can and the results are amazing. Especially now that I am nearly half way through a 7-day complete cleanse. I can't believe how much of a difference I can see on the 3rd day :) I do worry that I am losing my butt so I have been skipping the elevator and taking the stairs(7 floors!!!) instead. I hear stair climbing works as a good butt lifter ;)
Friday, August 7, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
I love him...
I love him and he loves me.
Thank you, God, for sending Paul Kelly :)
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
In this huge process of moving to the beach, the thought of getting a 'real' job had crossed my mind. A job like that would take up my entire week, when I would typically be shooting. I guess I am in luck with where we are moving...In Norfolk, if you work at the right bar, you make an average of $400 a night!! I would realistically only have to work 2-3 nights a week and be making an amazing amount of money. This would also allow me to go back to school and finish out my degree in a year :) And then I'll be able to finally start my business and get the loan I need to do it right. Everything is finally panning out and life is beyond amazing!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Confessions of a Shopaholic

So, it's about that time again and all I wanna do is go shopping to fill the gaps in my wardrobe and complete my new style. One problem...lack of money and boyfriend. They are linked so tightly right now that there's no way I could get away with spending the money I do have on anything right now. UGH! All because we are moving and going on vacation this month, money is super tight and he doesn't want me to go shopping. Doesn't he understand that a woman just isn't the same without retail therapy?! Apparently not. I bought two amazing pairs of shoes the other week since I was going to be in a fashion show...He was soo pissed but he got over it once he saw them. Lol
I had to go to the mall today to buy some new skivvies for some Zivity sets I am shooting tomorrow. He approved of that... but in my shopping excursion, I also found tons of things that I want to buy for myself. It took every fiber in body not to buy anything except what was needed for the photo shoot...FML
God, can you please fix this and give me a money tree??
The real me :)
If you are following this then you know me from my modeling portfolios spread over the internet...I was bored the other day waiting to go to the pool and had a photo shoot with myself ;) Lol
What a weekend!!! My set on is doing amazingly well and I'm feeling such an overwhelming sense of glory. Like I said in my previous post, it was a pretty conservative set compared to others on Zivity and I was kinda worried that it just wouldn't get the votes because of it. Apparently that isn't a problem!! People are LOVING it! YAY!!
Today I woke up and didn't realize it was Monday, the start to one of my busiest weeks yet. I still have to prepare for a HUGE shoot tomorrow down in VA Beach and I have a photographer who wants to meet with me today...Ugh! Don't get me wrong. I am absolutely thrilled with how far I have come with modeling and how nice it is to get paid on a regular basis . It's actually becoming a really good source of income. Woohoo!!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Busy Little Bee with a Purpose
I have three others in the making as well...let's just say one involves a camcorder, the other a deck of cards, and another strawberry syrup and whipped cream. Oooh la la...
I would highly recommend you join within the next month to see these sets ;)
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Changing Gears

I don't really know what has gotten in to me lately but I'm feelin' sexy and it's coming out. At 25, I can say that I am finally fully aware of my body and quite comfy in it. I'm slowly letting this out; creating another set on with Tony (Ynot Photography), as well as shooting with two other photographers in nothing but skivvies. I knew I would eventually end up going down this path. But hey! What better time than summer when I'm nice and tan ;) The picture to the left was taken in a shoot I had in Baltimore with Jim Wrigley. I can't wait to shoot with him again!! Another new edition to my ever expanding portfolio is a wicked shoot with the amazing Sarah Beth Faison :) The shots are amazing and have a much more alternative look. I can't WAIT to revamp my port and really change gears. I'm down shifting...but I'm not slowing down.
In other news...Paul came across the tv series Battlestar Galactica. RIDICULOUS!! I don't know why but he has become hooked, like he typically does, and downloaded every show from day one. The funniest part about it is that they say the 'F Bomb' a lot. Even funnier... these are the edited versions so it comes out as Frack! WTFrack?? Frack me! Frack YOU! Funniest frack ever....I'm done. Night!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Pretty Girls and Fashion Shows

One of my friends Jason Primrose, of Primrose Productions, is taking VA by storm with his killer fashion shows. They feature some of the most beautiful clothing and women that you can find locally in Richmond. Being his friend gives me the privilege of being one of those women and I love it. I was in my 4th show ever last night and it was by far the most fabulous! :) The clothing was by Cache and Karen Millen. I want every piece of clothing that was there . . . Stunning. The most exciting part is that this show was held in DC, making it Jason's first show ever outside of Richmond. It was an absolute hit!! My only hope is that he can continue holding shows up there, and has them more often. I don't have the height to be a runway model, so this is really my only way of doing something I love. Why can't I be 2 inches taller??
After the show, all of us made our own dance floor and drank the night away for free. This was an absolute blast but definitely had its repurcussions in morning. I had three shoots scheduled for today and ended up having to cancel the first one, which was paid. Then because I wasn't getting paid, I couldn't make it all the way to Baltimore and back to Richmond. This really sucked because they were all killer shoots. Luckily all of the photographers were more than understanding and will all be rescheduled for the next two weeks :)
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
The Rythm of Love
I cook...he cleans...and he thanks me in between :)
We're certainly nowhere near perfect. We have our arguments; stupid ones usually. Today we fought over money, how typical. Although we have our conflicts, I still have no complaints. He has never failed to apologize first, even though it may be when I am in the wrong. I love this man with all my heart and know that he feels the same. I like to think that I am a person of simplicity, yet I know I am not easy to put up with. He handles me with rigid care if that makes any sense; not babying me like the princess I've never been, but instead pushing me undetectably in the right direction; always ending with, "I love you." It works.
It has been over two years since I met Paul and he is still my one and only...and I am his.
If only he knew...I love you too.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Moving Eastward & Down
July rolled around and SHE PAID! What the hell? She never paid a dime for 6 months and then has the money?! It was just our luck I guess. We're still crossing our fingers for her to default again in August, which would end her stay at this totally awesome condo, right on the beach.
We do have plenty of options though. We just can't decide until August 5th. Paul has plenty of friends down in Norfolk/VA Beach that have extra rooms. We can always stay at one of these until we get a place of our own, so it's really no biggie. I just can't wait to move!! No matter what, we have to move by August 15th. That's when my lease is up and my furniture has to go somewhere! Also, we're going on a super fun and cheap vacation on August 16th through the it'd be nice to at least have my stuff down in Norfolk already, but we'll see.
Take me to the beach!!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
The Boring Diet

Today Paul told me that a friend of ours, Talya, had mentioned how great I was looking. She asked him if I was on an organic diet and he quickly returned with, "No. She's on the boring diet with me. Eggs, tuna, turkey, chicken and rice." When he told me this, I was a little turned off since I am typically the cook in the house, always spicing up a good meal for him. I almost never make the same dinner two nights in a row and he never complains, however it is usually the same equation: Chicken, whole grain rice, with either vegetables or peppers and onions and whatever spice I feel like using that night. He must not be able to taste the difference between curry and cajun. Oh well! I don't find it boring...
The truth is, that yes, my diet consists of 1/3 organic, 1/3 all natural, and the other 1/3 healthy normal stuff :) I love it because I do get a ton of variety in my daily eating in between the smaller portioned breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I guess to a guy, who's in between meals are always a protein shake, his diet would seem a bit boring and monotonous. Sucks for him! lol
**The picture above is a delicious concoction of mine. If I remember correctly it is cajun roasted red peppers and onions with grilled chicken and pineapple over whole grain rice. The chicken was marinated in a mango salsa. The same salsa was drizzled over the dish after preparation. Boring? I think not!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Informal Introductions

Hello World!! Welcome to my blog! As you may have already seen, I am a day dreamer. This first blog will help you get to know a little bit about me :)
- Ever since I was a little girl, I was unique.
- I was the girl who just never quite fit in, but was friends with most.
- I am always filling my time with something creative and fulfilling.
- My favorite thing to do is just be in the sun...anywhere anytime.
- My first animal was a fish. I continued on to get a dog when I was 4, rescuing another dog when I was 19, and my latest, an adorable little cat that I rescued from a shelter. You'll probably hear about her every once in a while :)
- I have an amazing best friend, who is also my boyfriend. His name is Paul. You'll get very well acquainted with this name. lol
- I've done marketing since I was 17 and it's definitely something I am passionate about and could do til the day I die.
- I was laid off from my most recent marketing venture in March.
- I turned down two job offers to instead start my own marketing business :)
- Modeling has been another thing that has wondered my mind my whole life. This year I jumped in with both feet and now I am a regularly paid freelance model. YES!!
- Three things that really frustrate me: Leather covered heels, not EVER having enough money, shopping for clothes or shoes(I can never find what I want).
- Three qualities of people that really annoy me: Lack of confidence, competing with another person instead of yourself, being jealous of what someone else has. Ugh..just writing that annoyed me.
- I've never traveled anywhere super cool...So, when I do, you DEFINITELY hear about it!