Ok...This is just going to be a big rant. Every once in a while I need to do this and just get the
shit out.
I live in a ghost town where the convenience store closes at 9 EVERY night or earlier.
The guys that live across from us have a huge work van and have no idea how to park. They make it impossible to park in my space in one maneuver.
The no u-turn sign right past my house is extremely inconvenient...seeing as I have to take a u-turn just to get home.
EVERY thing is 20 minutes away..Walmart, Target, the mall, the gym, work. The list goes on.
Paul's uber expensive pots and pans are the worst. Give me the cheap non stick over the pretty stainless steel any day.
The internet here SUCKS. The worst part about it is Cox Communications says, "That happens" and then charges us for every visit to try and fix the shit.
Saki, Paul's cat, is lucky I'm such an animal lover. She torments my kitty and pisses on everything. I've stopped Paul from throwing her outside 3 times now.
Walmart always has at least 3 beggars roaming the parking lot. I told the attendant and she replied, "Yeah,, Honey, they do that." What is it legal here??
Paul likes red wine and I like white. I buy him and I each a bottle of wine...which one does he drink? Mine. I'm not buying red wine any more.
On that note...I'm going to go finish that fine bottle of wine ;) I feel better now.